
Call For Papers (1/2024)

The Editorial Board of the scientific journal of library and information science Bibliotekar (The Librarian) invites librarians, information scientists, conservators, archeographers, bibliographers, and all interested experts to submit their papers for the new issue of the journal.

The papers should be sent to the Secretary of the Serbian Library Association ( in electronic form no later than April 20, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than May 25, 2024.

Guidelines for the article: the author's name, e-mail address, name of the author's institution (affiliation), title, abstract (up to 150 words), keywords (number of keywords may not exceed 10), notes (footnotes) are placed at the bottom of the text commented, list of references (literature). For composing a reference list use Chicago Style. The text should have a line spacing of 1,5 and use the Times New Roman font, the prescribed letter size is 12 pt, 9 pt for the footnotes. Text length is 30000 to 50000 characters (with spaces).