Serbian Library Association, Program and Organizing Boards of the XIX Serbian Library Association Conference “Associations, Connections, and Networks of Librarians”, announce the Second Call for Papers, for full text articles, poster presentations and panel-sessions proposals.

In 2022, the Serbian Library Association celebrates a significant jubilee ‒ 75 years since its founding in Belgrade in 1947. The anniversary of the founding of the Association is an important event for the library and information community in Serbia, due to the longevity of the Association, its mission to connect library and information professionals in the country and abroad, and because of the activities carried out by SLA in the first decades after the foundation that have left a lasting impact to this day. Therefore, the theme of this year’s conference is Associations, Connections, and Networks of Librarians.

We are particularly interested in the following topics, but the list may include other corresponding themes:
– Associations of librarians, formal and informal library networks
– Librarians and e-environment (bonding on social networks, blogs, websites, podcasts)
– Intra-sectoral and cross-sectoral connections of librarians (different types of connections and cooperation of librarians from the same or different types of libraries)
– Cooperation of librarians with institutions, organizations, and the private sector (librarians and educational, scientific, cultural, sports, health, and other public institutions, librarians and publishing houses, librarians and media, librarians and private companies, etc.)
– Development and perspectives of library networks in today’s multi-networked world
– Librarians and the environment (social status of employees, economic status, recognizability in society)
– Activities of librarians within and through library associations, launching initiatives and activities that have left a lasting impact on the profession
– Volunteering in librarianship ‒ experiences, opportunities, and advantages
– Libraries as meeting places for experts in the field of technology and humanities.

Please find the full Call for Papers at the Conference’s website, with the rest of useful information.
The deadline for full texts or abstracts for posters and panel-sessions is 10 September 2022.

Serbian Library Association also announces that our guest of honor and invited speaker at the XIX Conference will be Barbara Lison, IFLA President.